Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ya, I know its 4 in the morning!

Okay, I know!!! I'll be the first one to admit, I have a problem! I hate BEDTIME! Even Kirk still has to spell out "B.E.D.T.I.M.E" so I don't freak out!
Yes, I also know its sad that 'me don't spell well'. Thank goodness for spell check!
I don't know what it is with sleeping...really!

Don't get me wrong, I do look forward to the kids bedtime! Being able to spend time with Kirk, or catch up on some reality tv that I probably shouldn't be watching in the first place. And also what Kirk absolutely hates the most!

"Oh, so your catching up on the fake real people again!"

But the fact is, I need sleep. This is something I know I can't go to long without. I try and trust me, I can go a long while before I crash. Its like I start un-winding around 6pm and then 9-10pm rolls around and I am bouncing off the walls. Can't wait to start on that pile of laundry or organizing! I LOVE ORGANIZING!

Believe it or not I really do.(You'll believe me if you haven't been to my house, if so then I am sure you are wondering why I am lying). But the fact is, I am not big on picking up over and over and over, I'll leave it til that night when its one time.

But if you walk past the cars, trains, lego pieces, transformers, sippy cup, clothes, scrapbooking stuff, camera books, and probably myself who sits on the floor all the'll see behind that door is a very organized pantry, or medicine cabinet, or closet. I really don't know where to put my energy at times. So what do I do? I re-organize anything that really doesn't need to be.

Do any of you....
Organize the littlest things like legos or barbies smallest accesories?
If yes, do you color coordinate all of them, place them in baggies that is just small enough or large enough to hold all of that color along with the small baggies that have the tiny, same-colored pieces?
Or use clear tape to tape over barbies many magazines so they don't rip or loose their pages? Or can't stand when you find one of Skipper's shoes but not the other. But don't dare throw it away just encase that mini shoe that you probably sucked up in the vacuum, shows up?
Or what about games? Do you go through "Blues Clues, clues and find the blank clues cards to be very boring and decide to waste, oh... five hours of your late night coloring all 100 of them? And then going off and organizing all your face cards in color and order, to later have it dawn on you, that yeah, not such a smart thing since the next time you play, your going to be shuffling them?

If so, give me a call.
This was my night!

*About pictures, Top two are Kendyl, one of her crazy legs that she's had since she was born, second of her sleeping her normal self. She's always been a funny posed sleeper. Then Smalls and his dance skills. We got these pants from my sister in law and they were a bit small. Adorable but very VERY tight, so I decided to put some music on hike up his shirt and put a sweat band on. Then Smalls and just one of the many pictures of him putting things on his head. He does this so often we even have a file called "Does it fit?" Then to Chase.....which is the reason for the explanations of the pictures. After the 3rd person asking to explain I decided I would. Last year in Kindergarten Chase and Kendyl were bouncing on my bed. I told them to get off and of course they didn't. All the sudden I hear screaming and Chase coming out crying along with Kendyl. He was holding his eye and all he was telling me was "We bonked mom, we bonked". To quickly discover this massive swollen eyebrow caused by the back of Kendyl's head. It stayed this way for about a week and then he had a black eye for 2 months.
So of course, me as a happy camera snapper, I ignored consoling him and snapped away!
Such a sensitive mother!


bevany said...

Those pictures of Kendyl are priceless. I love them. I thought you were doing better with sleep?? I still want a family picture of us before I am ginormous. Maybe next weekend?

Bayra said...

I love that picture of Kendyl. Zach sleeps with his butt way up in the air. It is pretty funny looking. I really have no idea where you get that much energy. I do organize but not to that extreme. I am hoping to avoid having little lego pieces and doll accessories. But I think I am out of luck in that department since I have children. Oh well, I will deal with it when the time comes. I can't believe that Smalls is 3. I remember coming to see him with Lisa at your mom's. He is the handsomest little 3 years old I know!

As regards to sleeping I suggest you start going to bed between 6 and 9 just when you are winding down. I love going to bed around 7 sometimes. But I guess I am pregnant and need more rest but I bet it would work for you! Good luck with getting enough rest!

We hope to make our way down there sometime this summer. But by any chance you are planning a family vacation up to these parts? Let me know!

mama fish said...

I guess the question is.....are you on crack and next baby I have, can you come and be the baby's night nurse? Thanks, that would help me out a ton!:) j/k I don't know how you function. I guess thats why I am crazy everyday though because I get nothing done and you get it ALL done at night.:)

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

FUNNY photos! Your children are going to seek revenge when they are older, Auds. Seriously! You have become a blogging maniac. Keep it up.

kourtney said...

Are you having fun with your camera? Love to organize and have a spot or certain way things have to be put away. ANAL! Hope you had a good anniversary too! I completely forgot, oops!

Riding said...

Because you like to organize, this blog might be fun for you to check out:
Check out the sister blog, Paperclippy, too.

Jessica said...

Hey Audrey,

I am so glad we found each other in blog world. Your blog is so cute, your kids are adorable. Ummm, when do you sleep? Why are you up until 4 a.m? Doesn't your body crash? I need my sleep. I swear I am a beast if I don't get enough sleep and I get headaches. You are amazing, I do wish I could function on less sleep, it would be nice and I could get a lot done. By the way, you were the one looking rockin' in a two piece. See you soon.

The Hartungs said...

that dancing pic. of smalls is fabulous. and when I saw the pic. of Chase w/ his head bonk i didn't even see the goose egg. I was thinking why does she have a pic. of Joey so close??? but then i read further and got what it was. Silly me!

Mekelle said...

Hey Audrey, Its Mekelle! I hope you remember me. Anywho...I found your blog off of Katey's. I just started mine last month and I have become a blog "stalker" myself. It really helps me keep up with friends and family since we all seem so busy these days. I can not believe how fast your kids have grown up. When me and Denny were in your ward they were so small! They are so cute!!